How important is it to you to avoid having surgery?
Surgery carries specific risks such as bleeding and infection, as well as post-surgical pain and recovery. In rare cases, the bleeding can be life-threatening.
Not very important
Slightly important
Fairly important
Extremely important
How important is it to you to have the tumor physically removed from your body?
The tumor is physically removed from your body during surgery.
Not very important
Slightly important
Fairly important
Extremely important
How important is it to you to avoid being put to sleep (anesthesia)?
During surgery, you will be put to sleep with anesthesia.
Not very important
Slightly important
Fairly important
Extremely important
How important is it to you to avoid the possible long-term effects of radiation such as swallowing issues, stroke, and a second cancer?
Although these late effects of radiation are rare, they can be serious.
Not very important
Slightly important
Fairly important
Extremely important
How important is it to you to have regular function and appearance of both of your shoulders?
Surgery usually includes removing lymph nodes from your neck, which can cause shoulder weakness on the same side due to damage of a nearby nerve. Sometimes, this weakness can be permanent and painful, and cause a sagged appearance of the shoulder.
Not very important
Slightly important
Fairly important
Extremely important
How important is it to you to understand the exact size and degree of spread of your cancer?
The size and features of your tumor can be seen after it is removed by surgery. Knowing the features of your tumor can help your doctors better decide what further treatment, if any, is needed. However, knowing this information will not change your treatment outcomes.
Not very important
Slightly important
Fairly important
Extremely important
How important is it to you to keep all of your own teeth?
Before radiation, it is very important to see a dentist, who will take out any teeth that show signs of decay. During treatment, it is important to report any dental issues, as radiation can make simple tooth decay or cavities become serious infections.
Not very important
Slightly important
Fairly important
Extremely important
How important is it to you to avoid post-surgical pain?
Post-surgical pain occurs mainly in the throat and can make swallowing hard. This pain can last up to 3 weeks.
Not very important
Slightly important
Fairly important
Extremely important
How important is it to you to limit the amount of travel you would need to do for treatment?
Radiation requires daily Monday through Friday transportation for 7 weeks. Surgery requires a hospital stay of 1-2 nights.
Not very important
Slightly important
Fairly important
Extremely important
How important is it to you to avoid a scar in the side of your neck?
Part of the surgery is done through an incision in the side of the neck.
Not very important
Slightly important
Fairly important
Extremely important
How important is it to you to avoid chemotherapy?
Patients who get radiation first are more likely to be treated with chemotherapy. However, chemotherapy could be included for patients who get surgery as well.
Not very important
Slightly important
Fairly important
Extremely important
How important is it to you to keep all of the tissue in your throat?
During surgery, the part of the back of your tongue or tonsils containing the cancer is removed.
Not very important
Slightly important
Fairly important
Extremely important
Questions to ask my doctor
Questions to ask my doctor